Friday, November 13, 2009


I visited a home for metally disabled and handicapped people today and as you can imagine it was a pretty draining experience but an experience none the less. It made me realise how lucky i am. Yes I have issues, complexes and inferiorities, but I can walk, talk, learn and live a "normal" life. This probably sounds very cliche but it shouldn't, there is nothing cliche about being abused until you cant function, or being abandoned because there is something wrong with you.

The truth is there is something wrong with us all, so how can we justify ostracising these people - and that's what they are, people - when all they want is to be accepted, loved and cared for? We all what these things, don't we? We probably want a bit more like money, designer brands and so on, but does that stuff really matter at the end of the day? No not really.
That's what we miss, it doesn't matter. We live, we die, we get hurt and we move on, but most importantly we love. Do think people who have problems that are a bit more pronounced than ours can say that? Will you deny them that chance?

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